Boeing vs Airbus Jan-May 2016


It is almost the middle of the year, so we thought to take a look at how Boeing and Airbus have done in both deliveries and orders so far.


Boeing took the crown for most deliveries these past 5 months with 301 airliners (this is comparable to 310 for the same time period last year). Meanwhile Airbus delivered 234 of its aircraft. The table below brakes it down:

Single Aisle Dual Aisle 767+777/a330 B787/a350 B747/a380 Total
Airbus 192 22 9 11 234
Boeing 203 42 54 2 301
Combined 395 64 63 13 535


Boeing once again received more with a total of 298 gross orders. Airbus came in with 200. As always single aisle airplanes are the best sellers for both manufactures. The table below has more information:

Single Aisle Dual Aisle 767+777/a330 B787/a350 B747/a380 Total
Airbus 133 38 27 2 200
Boeing 265 13 16 4 298
Combined 398 51 43 6 498

So far in 2016 Boeing has the decisive lead in terms of both deliveries and orders. It will be interesting to see if Airbus can catch up in the 7 months left in the year.

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