EgyptAir Flight MS804: Data Indicates Fire

In the early morning of May 19th, at 2:30 am local time, EgyptAir flight 804 from Paris to Cairo went missing over the Mediterranean between Greece and Egypt. At this time, the wreckage has been found and is in the process of being recovered. There is currently no reason for this tragic accident, but current theories include mechanical failure or terrorist activity. Below are all the live updates we have been tweeting out since news first broke out about this event.

Update 7/16/16 5:29pm CDT:

After earlier reports that there was a struggle to put out a fire on board, the investigation committee has now confirmed that the Cockpit Voice Recorder recordings show that there was a fire on board before the crash. It is currently unknown where and why the fire occurred.

In addition, human remains recovered are in Cairo for DNA analysis.

Update 7/5/16 2:23pm CDT:

While exactly what was on the Cockpit Voice Recorder has not been released, an airline official has said that warnings were heard and that there might have been a scramble to extinguish a fire. This would support both the ACARS data and physical evidence that there was a fire on board. The flight data recorder data is also still being analyzed.

In addition, many bodies of the victims have also been recovered and are being transported to Egypt.

Update 7/2/16 4:14pm CDT:

Investigators have found that the Cockpit Voice Recorder chips are undamaged and the data will be able to be recovered. This comes after the first data from the Flight Data Recorder was pulled off for analyzation.

Update 6/29/16 8:05pm CDT:

The first of the data from the Flight Data Recorder has been pulled off. The investigators have confirmed all the data will be recoverable. Preliminary data shows that the recorder stopped at 37,000 when the incident that brought the plan down occurred. Matching earlier data sent out by the plane, hot temperatures were recorded on the FDR as well.

The following days and weeks will have more data pulled and examined. Meanwhile, the Cockpit Voice Recorder is still being repaired by French Investigators.

Update 6/20/16 3:25am CDT:

The Egyptian government has reported that both the voice cockpit recorder and the flight data recorder have been recovered from the bottom of the Mediterranean sea where flight 804 crashed. The black boxes are being reported as a damaged so it may take some time before the data is taken of. This is a step in the right direction as the now we have a chance to get the data showing why the flight crashed in the first place.

Update 6/1/16 12:26pm CDT:

French investigators have announced that they have detected the signal from one of the crucial black boxes. This is ahead of another French company sending a ship capable of actually receiving the black boxes from the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. The black boxes, Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder, will have crucial information about the flights last moments.

Update 5/30/16 4:06pm CDT:

The Egyptian and French governments have signed agreements with two French companies that can recover the crucial black boxes of MS804. Alseamar has special equipment that can detect the pings given off by the black boxes. Meanwhile, Deep Ocean Search has the capabilities to recover the black boxes from the sea floor down to 6,000 meters using robots. While the Deep Ocean Search equipment travels to the crash site, it will allow the others to pinpoint where the black boxes are exactly.

Update 5/26/16 6:35pm CDT:

Egyptian authorities have announced that an automatic locator signal has been detected from the doomed a320. This allows the main search zone to go down to a 3 mile area. This will help salvage crews pinpoint the main fuselage and locate the crucial black boxes.

Update 11:07am CDT:  Aviation workers based in Paris, France have claimed that the pilot of the doomed Airbus A320 has sent out a distress call prior to crashing into the Mediterranean Sea. This has not yet been confirmed by authories.

Update 2:05pm CDT: As night sets on the search area, multiple countries are now aiding in the recovery of the airliner. Egypt has even sent a submarine. The main focus for all the searchers is two find the black boxes that will have the crucial information to aid the investigation of this case.

Update 10:48am CDT: Aircraft seat remains, non-inflated life-jackets, and Egyptair branded items have been found by Egyptian Armed Forces.

Update 10:56pm CDT: Automated messages sent from the missing AirEgypt MS804 flight via ACARS (Aircraft Communications and Reporting System) have revealed that the plane had smoke alerts in the front of the aircraft, particularly in the Avionic Bay and Lavatories.

Update 10:28am CDT: Partial wreckage of flight MS804 has been found. Search crews have begun work to recover the aircraft and its parts.

Update 11:17pm CDT: French authorities have started investigating CDG airport employees, due to possible terrorist or Radical Islamic connections.

Update 10:51pm CDT: Reports have come in that Greek air traffic controllers have tried to reach the missing EgyptAir flight 2 minutes before it lost radar contact, without a response.

Update 10:48pm: Greek officials claim that the debris found earlier does not belong to the missing flight, and that the search will continue. They do believe however, that the plane has plunged into the Mediterranean.

Update 9:02pm: U.S Authorities believe that the plane has been brought down by a bomb, due to terrorism.

Update 7:04pm CDT: Greek aviation experts disagree with Egyptian authorities’ statements that the missing flight MS804 has crashed in the sea.

Update 2:00pm CDT:Egyptian authorities officially confirm that the missing EgyptAir flight has crashed.

Update 1:47pm CDT: The U.S Navy has sent a P-3 Orion Aircraft to help search for the missing Egyptair flight.

Update: 11:14am CDT: The first reports of floating debris in the Mediterranean Sea come in from search crews. It is unconfirmed that it belongs to the missing flight MS804.

FR24 MS804

Update 11:19pm: First reports of a missing Airbus A320 belonging to EgyptAir appear, investigation begins.

FandaGear expresses sincere condolences and sorrows to the families and friends of the fateful flight MS804.

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